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Upwex Chrome Extension
Overview Upwex Chrome Extension
Overview Upwex Chrome Extension
Updated over a week ago

After Login into Upwex and installation of the extension, you will have access to all the features of the Upwex Chrome Extension. When you click on the extension icon, you open a window with information:

  • Information about Upwork account;

  • Information about Open Job;

  • Statistics open job sent bid та reply rate;

  • Settings Upwex Service and Logout;

If you are not logged in to your Upwork account or this is your first time logging into Upwex, you will be prompted to log in to Upwork. After successful authorization, you will be shown information about your Upwork account and the option to go to your profile:

To see job information in the extension window, you need to go to the job page or open it when searching for a job. You will also be shown the Job Score and the opportunity to proceed to write a Proposal:

In the statistics section, you can see information about the open jobs, sent bids, and reply rate for the last month:

At the bottom of the window, you can see the option to go to analytics:

  • Job Rating / Job Score (article)

  • AI-Powered Proposal Generate (article)

  • AI-Powered Q&A Generate (article)

  • How to update the extension? (article)