Change CRM Settings
Last updated: September 13, 2024
How to connect Upwork to Pipedrive? Connect your Pipedrive to Upwork integration in 1 minute.
After successfully connecting Pipedrive CRM, you will see the following settings:

- Create the Contact’s Company in the CRM automatically
When adding a contact to your CRM from Upwork, Upwex will also create a company profile for the contact’s current company in your CRM (if the company doesn’t exist for the client on Upwork, then Upwex will create a company in the CRM with the contact’s name). - Create a lead or not
If you want a lead profile to be created in your CRM when synchronizing Upwork chat. - Create a deal or not
If you want a deal to be created in your CRM when synchronizing Upwork chat. Each new contract from the same client is a new deal. - Create notes about Job in Contact or Deal
Creation of Job Details note.Includes Job ID, Job Date, Country, City, Job Title, and Job Description; - Create notes about Bid in Contact or Deal
Creation of Bid Details note. Includes Job ID, Bid Date, Proposed rate, and Cover letter; - Create notes about All messages in Contact or Deal
Creation of a note with the history of all messages.